3BUnit5
How
old
are
you?
(Story
time)
一、教学内容
Unit5
How
old
are
you?Peiod
1:
Story
time
二、教学重难点
1、三会日常交际用语How
old
are
you?
I’m…
2、
准确认读课文中出现的数字单词。
三、教学目标
1.知识目标:
(1)三会日常交际用语How
old
are
you?
I’m…
How
lovely!
Here
you
are。
(2)能够熟练地数出数1------10。
2.技能目标:
(1)
能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下表演课文内容。
(2)
让学生会初步地用英语表达生活中的数字。
3.情感目标:
(1)
通过本单元学习,激发学生对英语学科的好奇心以及学习兴趣,在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。
(2)
通过本单元学习,培养学生乐于接触外国文化的意识。
四、教学准备
多媒体课件,不同年龄阶层的玩具
。
五、教学过程
Step
1Review
time
1.
Learn:
Welcome
T:
Look,
there
are
many
new
teachers
here.
Let’s
say
“Hello”
“Hello,
teachers.
Welcome.”
Ss:
Hello,
teachers!
Welcome!
2Enjoy
a
song
:
What
can
you
hear
?
Numbers
3Count
the
numbers
4Spell
the
numbers
5Let’s
play
:Bomb
.
Rules:
看到图片、单词和词组就大声地读出来,看到炸弹大声说“Bomb”
Step
Story
time
Ask
questions
about
a
girl
:
Hi,
What’s
your
name
?
Hi,
Dora
.
How
old
are
you
?揭示课题:How
old
are
you
?
Hi,
Dora.
What
do
you
like
?
like
toys.
Show
three
toys:
a
doll
,
a
toy
car
,
a
yo
yo.
Ask
:Do
you
like
toys
?
Where
are
the
toys
?
Look
,
they
are
in
the
Toy
Museum.
T手拿玩具走向学生问:Look
at
my
…
Ss:
How
nice!
T:
By
the
way,
how
old
are
you?
S:
I’m
….
T:
This
toy
is
for
you./This
toy
isn’t
for
you(引入不同玩具适合不同年龄)
S:
Thank
you.
Look
,
they
are
in
the
Toy
Museum.
Who
are
they?
This
is
the
clerk
of
the
museum.
The
clerk
:
Welcome
to
the
toy
museum
.
Others
are
Mike,
Helen
,Tim
and
Father.
How
old
are
the
children
?
Watch
the
cartoon
and
answer
.
Imitate
:How
old
are
you
?
I’m…
How
old
are
you
?
Work
in
pairs.
What
do
they
get
?
再看动画,并连线。
How
to
phrase
about
something?
It’s
nice.
How
nice!
How
lovely!...
想一想给予别人东西时,可以怎么说?
This
…is
for
you.
Here
you
are.
又怎样表示感谢呢?
Thank
you.
Thanks.
Step
3.
Reading
time
Imitate.
Read
in
four.
Ticking
time
Step
Show
time
Shitou
,Cindy
and
Angela
are
in
the
Museum.
Different
toys
are
for
different
ages.
Choose
the
toys
and
talk.
Step
Homework
1.
Listen
and
read
the
numbers.
2.
Listen
and
read
the
dialogue
.
3.Talk
about
the
ages
with
your
family
and
friends,
and
give
them
gifts.
教学反思:
本节课教师以Toy
Museum为主线,思路清晰,目的明确。首先通过歌曲引入数字教学,通过炸弹游戏引入小女孩,再通过对小女孩的提问引入兴趣爱好toys,同时创设真实的玩具博物馆场景,让学生运用所学会的句型挑选玩具,并拓展了不同年龄适合不同玩具的理念,接着与Mike一家相遇,在一系列的情境中展开词句的教学,突出重难点。在课的伊始让学生自己组织教学,这样不仅调动学生的学习积极性,而且可以为每位学生提供一个口语运用的契机;在How
old
are
you?句型的处理上,教师通过真实语言情境的引导,让学生体会语言运用的真实性,同时学生把自己所带的玩具与自己的年龄作为语境,进行真实有效的语言交际;在朗读的训练上做到层层递进,有跟读,模仿读,配音读等不同的方式;最后通过教师创设的玩具店进行语言的模仿运用,使学生真正掌握和运用语言。
但是本节课还存在很多的不足之处。在四会单词和句型的处理上,本节课体现的明显不够,单词没有拼读的环节,句型没有写的落实,并且学生模仿跟读事语音语调强调还不够,这在今后的课堂教学中一定要加强落实。最后教师对新教材的理解挖掘还不深,对学生的学情分析不够导致课堂语言组织比较啰嗦、中文解释较多,另外课堂调控能力这两个方面还有待提高,课堂上再加入一些奖励机制对中低年级的学生学习积极性能有更大的提高!