外研版高中英语选择性必修三
Unit
Understanding
ideas
一、内容分析
本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为准提讨论。课文介绍了三位年轻人对自我形象的认知和对外表的不同看法,以及心理学家对他们观点的评价。读前的导入活动请学生阅读有关全球各类人群对自我形象满意度调查情况的材料,对材料中提及的信息进行评价,并联系自身情况谈谈外表对一个人是否重要,旨在进行读前热,为课文学习做好准备。读中活动请学生分别找出每位年轻人对自己外表的态度,与读前活动形成呼应。读后活动则通过理解主旨大意、分析课文逻辑结构和开放式回答等活动,启发学生深入思考,理解课文信息,探究主题意义,同时培养学生逻辑思维和批判性思维。
二、教学要点
借助多模态语篇(视频和图片)学习和阅读文本研读,通过听、说、读、看、写的学习活动,加工整理话题信息,理清作者的观点和写作意图,形成对“It's
all
about
me”这一主题意义的理解。运用逻辑性和批判性思维,分析话题信息,理解文本内容,训练阅读策略,培养综合语言运用能力,提升思维品质,发展英语核心素养。
三、教材分析本课的文本是一篇关于“自我形象认知和对外表的不同看法”的专题讨论。通过阅读课文,让学生掌握有关外表描述和评价的单词及短语,并知道如何去描述一个人的外表。此类题材的专题讨论能够帮助学生正确认识一个人的外表,并形成正确的自我认知和审美观,认识到内在美的重要性。此外,在真实语境下进行思考和运用,全方位提升综合语言理解和运用能力,启发学生深入思考,探究主题意义。四、学情分析学生经过高一一整年的学习,对新教材的模式已经基本了解。高二学生逐渐进入到成人阶段,越来越重视和介意自己的外表,对自我认知有了一定的想法和观点。对“Face
Values”中的“It’s
all
about
me
”这个话题非常感兴趣。学生有一定理解能力并储备了一定的话题词汇,但如何将已有的知识储备用于课堂中去并恰当的描述一个人的外表和自我认知,对学生来说存在一定难度,需要教师的帮助与指导。
五、教学目标
Through
this
lesson,
enable
the
students
1.To
learn
some
words
and
phrases
and
the
culture
related
to
the
beauty:
freckle,enlarge,jawline,boost,narcissist,obsessive,identical,stereotype,boost
one's
confidence,
from
head
to
toe...
2.
To
understand
the
main
idea,
the
structure
and
features
of
the
passage
by
using
skimming
,
scanning
and
careful
reading
skills.
3.
To
learn
to
express
opinions
about
external
and
inner
beauty
and
form
a
right
attitude
to
beauty
.
六、教学步骤
Step
1:
Before
Reading
Task
1:Watch
the
video
and
match
the
masks
【设计意图】首先通过本模块话题引入与人的外貌有关的图片和词汇,然后借助与京剧脸谱有关的图片,引入课文的话题,使学生能够带着浓厚的兴趣研究
Face
Values,开始知道,京剧脸谱的样式和颜色代表不同的性格特征和价值取向。
Which
Peking
Opera
mask
most
suits
your
personality?
Task
2:
Read
these
sentences
and
answer
the
questions.
1.Over
half
of
people
are
fairly
satisfied
or
completely
satisfied
with
their
appearances.
2.Teenagers
are
almost
as
satisfied
with
their
looks
as
older
generations.
3.Men
and
women
are
almost
equal
in
terms
of
how
satisfied
they
are.
4.People
in
Latin
American
countries
are
the
happiest
with
their
looks.
5.Japanese
people
are
the
most
self-critical,
with
over
one
in
ten
“not
at
all
satisfied”.
Are
you
satisfied
with
your
appearance?
Do
you
think
one's
appearance
is
important?
【设计意图】通过讨论,由京剧脸谱的讨论带入个人的脸谱,带入对个人外表的认知,通过学生思考,引入本节课话题:It’s
all
about
me
让学生带着兴趣继续接下来的话题阅读。
Step
2:
While
Reading
Task
3:
To
match
the
attitude
each
person
has
towards
their
looks.
Jade
A.
He
never
cared
about
his
appearance
before,
but
his
attitude
changed
now.
Anthony
B.
she
had
always
been
ashamed
of
being
larger
than
other
girls
later
she
realized
mental
and
physical
health
is
more
beautiful.
Emma
C.
She
is
too
obsessed
with
selfie
apps
because
it
can
make
her
more
beautiful.
【设计意图】本环节的目的是快速通读全文,把握文章主题。教师通过对阅读技巧的指引,训练学生通过
skimming了解文章大意,把握文章结构的能力,这不仅为下一步的scanning打好基础,同时也培养了学生的阅读策略。
Task
4.
To
organise
information
and
complete
the
diagram
Jade’s
Statements:
want
to
_______________________________________________
have
become
2___________________________________________
The
positive
comments
3.___________________________________
Dr
Hart's
comment
4_______________________________________
Anthony’s
Statements:
was
surprised
at
5_________________________________________
perceived
that
__________________________________________
Dr
Hart's
comment:7____________________________________
Emma’s
Statements:
My
attempts
to
lose
weight
brought
me
8________________________
plus-size
model
9_________________________________________
realised
that
10___________________________________________
Dr
Hart's
comment:
____________________________________________________________
【设计意图】本环节的目的在于引领学生通过
scanning的阅读技巧,获取文本主要信息。填写表格结束后,教师会通过几个追问性的问题,引导学生层层深入,充分理解课文,做到前后呼应,整体与细节相融合。这不仅能够引导学生加工提炼相关信息,而且也能提高其用英语思维和表达的能力。
Task
5:
What's
the
purpose
of
the
passage?
1.
To
persuade
people
to
edit
their
photos
less.
2.
To
prove
that
external
beauty
is
not
the
most
important
thing.
3.
To
show
the
true
meaning
of
beauty.
4.
To
warn
readers
about
the
physical
dangers
of
losing
weight.
【设计意图】此任务让学生在理解全文的基础上,再次把握文章的意图和主旨,引导学生在深度理解文本的基础上进行归纳和总结,抓住文章内涵和关键,了解作者意图和文本传递的思想。
Step
3:
After
Reading
Task
6.
Make
a
summary
by
filling
blanks.
Jade
is
1)________(addict)
to
online
photo
editing
and
she
thinks
that
editing
her
pictures
boosts
her
2)._______(confident)
and
does
not
hurt
anyone.
Anthony
had
never
really
cared
about
his
appearance,
but
later
perceived
external
beauty
isn't
totally3)__________(
worth).
Emma
was
4)_________(bother)
by
her
largeness,
but
the
success
story
of
plus-
size
model
made
her
realize
that
health
was
everything.
Dr.Hart
thinks
that
inner
beauty
and
external
beauty
are
both
important.
【设计意图】此任务让学生在理解全文的基础上归纳文章的答疑,用关键词和关键句提纲挈领的构建短文,再次回归文本大意,这是机械性输出,为下一步深度输出做准备。
Task
7:
Free
talk
(group
work)What's
your
idea
about
external
and
inner
beauty?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Task
8:
To
think
deep
and
share
more.
1.
Do
you
agree
that
"It's
a
pretty
person's
world"?
Why?
2.
In
addition
to
those
methods
mentioned
in
the
passage,
what
other
ways
do
you
think
can
make
you
become
a
better
person?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【设计意图】通过讨论,由文本到个人,有大众到个体,由他及我,运用文本的词汇和句子,进行真实语境下的迁移应用,体现语言的运用功能,同时再次加深学生对外表美和内在美的认知,树立正确的审美观,接纳自我,欣赏他人,养成积极向上的性格。
Step
Homework
1.
Retell
the
passage
and
write
it
down
on
the
paper.
2.
Search
online
to
know
how
to
make
yourself
more
beautiful
and
write
a
passage
to
show
your
opinions.
【设计意图】作业分为两部分,作业
1是基于文本巩固文本的作业,全体学生都能够完成。作业
2在
1的基础上提高了难度,学有余力的学生可以选择继续完成这部分作业。通过完成这部分,学生可以深度理解文本,拓展文本信息,树立正确的审美观和积极乐观的人生态度。