(共42张PPT)
Unit
My
e-friend
(Grammar
time)
fox
elephant
swan
giraffe
Rules:
1.
Don’t
tell
the
volunteer
the
animal’s
names
directly.
2.
The
volunteer
only
can
ask
the
questions
with
“Does…have…?/Does…?”
3.You
only
answer
the
questions
with
“yes”
or
“no”.
Mike
Does
he
________________
at
school?
No,
he
_______
He
_____________
after
school.
have
Chinese
lessons
doesn’t.
studies
Chinese
Mike
Does
he
_______________?
Yes,
he
_______.
He
_______________.
like
playing
football
does
likes
swimming
too
Mike
When
do
we
use
“do”/
“does”?(我们什么时候使用do或does呢?)
What
is
the
structure
of
“yes/no”question?一般疑问句的结构是什么?How
to
answer
it?(怎么回答?)
Mike
Let’s
chant.
Do
Or
Does?
do,
we
do,
they
do.
Sam
and
Bobby
do,
d-o,do.
He
does,
she
does,
it
does.
Sam
does.
Bobby
does.
D-o-e-s,
d-o-e-s,does.
Mike
What
is
the
structure
of
“wh-”question?特殊疑问句的结构是什么?
Mike
How
to
answer
the
questions?
(我们怎么回答?)
Mike
Let’s
chant.
Like
Or
likes?
like,
we
like,
they
like.
Sam
and
Bobby
like,
like,
like.
He
likes,
she
likes,
it
likes.
Sam
likes,
Bobby
likes,
likes,
likes.
Say
the
third
person
singular
forms
of
the
verbs.
说出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。
work
live
make----makes
work---works
help---helps
live---lives
dance---dances
read---reads
teach---teaches
watch---watches
study---studies
fly---flies
do---does
go---goes
have---has
Best
friends
Producer:
Phil
Davies
Who
is
Peppa’s
best
friend?
How
do
you
know
that?
Is
George
Peppa’s
best
friend?
am
Peppa
Pig.
This
is
my
little
brother
,
George.
This
is
Mummy
Pig.
And
this
is
Daddy
Pig.
Peppa
is
waiting
for
her
best
friend,
Suzy
Sheep.
Peppa:
Hello,
Suzy.
Suzy:
Hello,
Peppa.
Peppa
loves
Suzy.
Suzy
loves
Peppa.
They
are
best
friends.
Mummy
Pig:
Peppa,
why
don’t
you
and
Suzy
go
and
play
in
your
bedroom?
Peppa:
Yes,
Mummy.
George
wants
to
play
too.
Peppa
and
Suzy
love
playing
in
Peppa’s
bedroom.
So
does
George.
Peppa
and
Suzy
want
to
play
on
their
own.
George
doesn’t
like
playing
on
his
own.
George
wants
to
play,
too.
George
wants
to
play
with
Peppa.
He
feels
a
bit
lonely.
George
likes
helping
Mummy
make
cookies.
But
he
likes
playing
with
Peppa
more.
Suzy:
want
to
be
a
nurse.
Peppa:
want
to
be
a
doctor.
Suzy:
but
who’s
gonna
be
the
sick
person?
Peppa:
George!
Peppa
and
Suzy
love
playing
doctors
and
nurses.
So
does
George.
Pepper
listens
to
George’s
chest.
Suzy:
Open
wide,
please.
Oh,
dear,
you’re
very
very
hot.
think
you
have
to
stay
in
bed
for
three
years.
Daddy:
What’s
wrong
with
George?
Peppa:
Don’t
worry,
Daddy.
It’s
only
a
game.
Best
friends
Producer:
Phil
Davies
usually
chat
with
Lynn.
Lynn
usually
chats
with
me.
同样的意思,不同的主语动词形式不同。
like
watching
films
with
Emily.
Emily
likes
watching
films
with
me.
同样的意思,用不同的主语写两句话。
usually
______
with
_____.
______
usually
______with
me.
like
______
with
_____.
____
_____
______
with
me.
Level
写写你和好朋友经常做什么?喜欢做什么?
Level
读读《小猪佩奇》,也可以表演喜欢的段落。
Level
搜集动词原形及动词三单形式,记在课堂记录本上。
Choose
the
level
and
complete
Let’s
talk
about
our
animal
friends’
mothers!
Does
a
giraffe_______________?
Yes!
giraffe
_________.
She
has_______________.
She
is______________.
Let’s
talk
about
the
animals’
mothers!
Does
a
swan_______________?
Yes!
swan
_________.
She
has_______________.
She
looks______________.
Let’s
talk
about
the
animals’
mothers!
Does
an
elephant_______________?
Right!
An
elephant
_________.
Mother
elephant
is
like
a
______________.
Let’s
talk
about
the
animals’
mothers!
Does
a
fox_______________?
Yeah!
fox
_________.
Mother
fox
has_______________.
And
she
looks______________.