(共12张PPT)
课程编号:TS2101010103R410102ZJL
【慕联教育同步课程】
讲师:Lori
My
classroom
Unit
Warm-up
Let's
do
Let's
spell
目录
Warm-up
(
)
1.
The
book
is
on
the
desk.
(
)
2.
The
crayon
is
in
the
desk.
(
)
3.
The
pencil
is
in
the
pencil
box.
(
)
4.
The
bag
is
in
the
desk.
×
×
√
√
一、判断句子与图片内容是(
)否(
)相符。
√
×
The
crayon
is
on
the
desk.
The
bag
is
on
the
chair.
Look
and
talk
Let's
do!
What
do
they
do?
Look
and
talk
Let's
do!
Look
and
talk
Let's
do!
Open
the
door.
开门
Turn
on
the
light.
开灯
Close
the
window.关窗
Put
up
the
picture.
贴图片
Clean
the
blackboard.
擦黑板
Read
and
follow.
Look
and
spell
Let's
spell!
Read,
listen
and
chant.
cake
face
name
make
a-e
/
/
ei
Look
and
spell
Let's
spell!
√
√
√
Read,
listen
and
tick.
cake
date
hate
/ei/
a-e
}
cat
dad
hat
/?/
a
}
Look
and
spell
Let's
spell!
Listen,
circle
and
write.
a
a-e
a
a-e
a
a-e
a
a-e
cap
cake
map
face
Try
to
read
these
words.
Quiz
mad
made
fat
fate
hat
hate
plat
plate
比一比,读一读。
Summary
Let's
do
Let's
spell
Open
the
door.
Turn
on
the
light.
Close
the
window.
Put
up
the
picture.
Clean
the
blackboard.
a-e:
cake,
face,
name,
make,
hate,
date.
a:
cat,
dad,
hat,
cap,
map.
亲爱的同学,课后记得做一下习题测试,达到90分以上,说明你对这节课掌握得非常棒!有关情况也会记录在你的学习记录上,亲爱的同学,再见!人教英语四上Unit
1.2
Let’s
spell
看图片,选择正确的字母补全单词。
c___p
A.
u
B.
o
C.
a
c__ke
A.
e
B.
a
C.
i
fa__e
A.
a
B.
u
C.
c
na__e
A.
m
B.
n
C.
t
mak__
A.
a
B.
e
C.
i
判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同。
cake
make
cat
date
dad
hat
cap
map
gate
fat
答案解析:
答案:C
解析:帽子cap,故选C。
答案:B
解析:蛋糕cake,故选B。
答案:C
解析:脸face,故选C。
答案:A
解析:名字name,故选A。
答案:B
解析:制作make,故选B。
判断题
答案:正确
解析:cake和make的a发音都是/ei/。
答案:错误
解析:cat的a发音/?/,date的a发音/ei/。
答案:正确
解析:dad和hat的a发音都是/?/。
答案:正确
解析:cap和map的a发音都为/?/。
答案:错误
解析:gate的a发音/ei/,fat的a发音/?/。
口
从8
a