Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Welcome to the unit
By the end of the section, students will be able to:
1. describe the two interviewees’ feelings and plans about senior high school life;
2. illustrate possible opportunities and challenges they will meet at senior high school;
3. adopt a positive attitude towards study at senior high school and enhance understanding of the importance of senior high school education.
1. To watch the video and answer the questions;
2. To discuss the feelings of senior high school.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 The teacher gets students involved in the learning mood by asking the following questions related to school life:
1. What is your impression of our school?
2. What is the biggest difference between your junior high school and senior high school?
3. What does senior high school mean in your eyes?
The teacher lets the students recall their junior high school life and asks what senior high school life they think will be like. The teacher can encourage them to show their opinions about the differences between senior high school and junior high school.
The teacher can show some pictures of the school if possible. 创设互动情境,拉近沟通距离,引发学习兴趣的同时开发话题资源,为单元学习做好准备。 5’
Individual Work
Class Work
Step 2 The teacher draws students’ attention to the first sentence “Senior high school is a time of learning and discovery.” and lets students focus on the two words: learning and discovery. Students share their understanding of the sentence.
The teacher has students to think, “When we speak of school life, what can you think of?”
Students discuss in groups and share their ideas and experiences of senior high school with the whole class. 利用相关图片,导入主题。通过头脑风暴,激活学生已有的背景语言知识,自然过渡到学习内容。 5’
Group Work
Video time
Step 3 Students watch a video about an interview on new school life and find out where the interview may take place and what the main idea is. Meanwhile, the teacher asks the students to pay attention to some detailed information: feelings and plans. Students finish the blank-filling exercise next to the preview of the video clip.
Watch the video again and answer the question:
What opportunities and challenges will the two interviewees face? 观看视频,引导学生归纳其主要内容,并有策略地提取细节信息,掌握“看”的语言技能,激发学生的输出动机。 10’
Individual Work
Class Work
Free talk
Step 4 The teacher has students exchange their opinions about senior high school life by answering the two questions on Page 1.
1. What do you think of your new school life so far?
2. In what areas do you think you can do well at senior
high school? In what areas will you have to work harder? 感知运用,引导学生基于视频内容,结合自身实际,表达个人观点。 5’
Individual Work
Step 5 Based on the information from the video, students are encouraged to express their true feelings and own opinions by answering the following questions:
1. What will be the biggest opportunity and challenge for you in high school?
2. When faced with so many tests and competitions, it is easy for students to feel anxious and depressed. What is the right attitude towards all the difficulties and challenges in senior high school? What can be done to maintain a positive frame of mind? 延伸话题讨论,吸引学生积极参与、多元输出,让学生在真实的交流中强化形式、拓展意义、体验情感。 6’
Individual Work
Step 6 The teacher divides the students into small groups. Get the students to share their opinions of study at senior high school.
Do you know who Confucius is? Could you translate his quotation on Page 1 into Chinese?
Students read the quotation together and talk about what is the best way to study at senior high school.
The teacher gets students to think about the question:
What do you think is the significance of senior high school education?
During the time of discussion, teachers had better take part in the students’ discussion and offer them some language helps if necessary. Then, let small groups to report their ideas to the whole class. 引用经典来呈现新知,引导学生再认与再现。通过对问题的思考与讨论,拓展学生思维的宽度与深度,从而提升语言运用能力。 12’
Group Work
Class Work
Homework 1. Write down your feelings about your new school life.
2. Finish the workbook. 2’
Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Realizing your potential
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. summarize the outline and the theme of the speech by skimming for topic sentences and scanning for details;
2. evaluate the importance of realizing one’s potential and design personal action plans for realizing one’s potential;
3. give an inspiring speech as an alumni applying parallels structures in the text.
1. To read and understand the speech;
2. To describe your personal action plans, using several parallel structures.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Students talk about the differences between senior high school and junior high school, which cover various aspects of school life. If possible, the teacher can show some pictures to offer some clues. 激发兴趣,定位学习起点,自然引出学习任务。 5’
Individual Work
Step 2 The teacher has students recall their previous knowledge and experiences of English speeches. The teacher directs students’ attention to the title of the speech: Realizing your potential and explains to students that the text is also a speech given by a principal of senior high school on the first day of term. Students predict the main content of the principal’s speech according to the title and given information. 基于标题的细节与背景信息,预测文章主要内容,引发阅读兴趣,为本课后续活动埋下伏笔。 5’
Individual Work
Group Work
While reading
Step 3 Read for the first time.
Students read the tip of “Finding topic sentences” on Page 4 and find the topic sentence by skimming the speech and finish A1 on the same page. During the feedback, the teacher can help students understand some new words and expressions. 掌握阅读策略,进行整体阅读,抓住主题句,从而把握文章大意与行文思路。 8’
Individual Work
Class Work
Step 4 Read for the second time.
The teacher asks each student to read the text carefully again. Students locate detailed information by scanning the speech and finish A2 on Page 4.
1. What challenges will students face at senior high school?
2. What does the principal have confidence in?
3. What school resources are mentioned in the speech?
4. What positive attitude should students develop?
While reading, students are encouraged to use a dictionary if they come across any new words. 进一步梳理细节信息,提取有关文章主旨的基本事实性信息,理清行文脉络,加深理解本篇演讲的意图。 8’
Individual Work
Class Work
Step 5 Read for the third time.
Students read through the text again, discuss in pairs and complete the outline of the speech using a mind map.
During discussion, students should identify what message the principal wants to convey and summarize the main idea of the speech.
利用思维导图帮助学生完成结构和内容的分析、梳理与归纳,使思维过程可视化。关注文本结构及衔接手段,更好地理解课文的内容逻辑。 12’
Individual Work
Class Work
Step 6 Build the language.
Students consolidate the use of new words and phrases and finish B1 on Page 5. Check the answers together.
The teacher has students read the tip of “Forming adjectives with suffixes” on Page 5 and explain the term “suffix” to them. Students work in groups to build new words with suffixes and finish B2 on the same page. 在新的语境中运用生词,巩固新知,加深对文本内容的理解。掌握构词法,拓展词汇储备。 10’
Individual Work
Group Work
Homework 1. Retell the speech based on the outline.
2. Write a short passage to describe your action plan, using several parallel structures.
3. Finish the workbook. 2’
Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Reading 2
Realizing your potential
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. summarize the outline and the theme of the speech by skimming for topic sentences and scanning for details;
2. evaluate the importance of realizing one’s potential and design personal action plans for realizing one’s potential;
3. give an inspiring speech as an alumni applying parallels structures in the text.
1. To read and understand the speech;
2. To describe your personal action plans, using several parallel structures.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Students read the text again and then in groups of four discuss the writing purpose and techniques of the speech by answering the following questions:
1. What is the principal’s purpose of giving this speech to senior high school freshmen?
2. Do you think the title is good? If so, why? If not, can you think of a better one?
3. How do you think this speech and why?
Students read the tip of “Understanding a speech” on Page 4 and then answer the first question of A3.
How does the principal try to keep his audience interested?
What rhetorical devices does he use?
Find examples from the speech. 理解文章的写作意图与写作方法。引导学生正确运用批判性思维去评价文本价值,有深度地理性欣赏文本,并能用英语积极自信地表达观点。 10’
Individual Work
Group Work
Step 2 Students discuss the use of parallel structures in the speech and finish B3 on Page 5.
What are parallel structures?
Can you find out the parallel structures used in the speech? 掌握写作技巧,感知“排比”特征,感悟语句的魅力。 5’
Group Work
Step 3 The teacher lets students review the definition and typical examples of parallel structures. Students think about the fun_ction and feature of parallel structures and then write down several sentences by using parallel structures to encourage someone who is unhappy.
The teacher invites students to apply parallel structures to the following activity.
20 years after your senior high school graduation, you are invited by the principal to give a short speech to the school on the first day of term. The topic remains the same ‘Realizing your potential’. Use parallel structures to complete the speech and deliver it to the whole class.
This activity can be carried out through blank-fillings or making a speech directly, which depends on the actual learning context. 提供一个贴近生活且与本课内容紧密相关的真实语境,让学生用本课所学知识解决问题,通过修改、完善与创作,旨在使学生将所学语言知识转换为实际的语言运用能力。 10’
Group Work
Class Work
Step 4 Students engage in self-reflection and develop an action plan for A3 (2) based on what they have learned.
After learning the principal’s speech and Maggie’s dairy in B1 on Page 5, you feel like setting up your own plan of realizing your potential. Please complete the following table.
Students answer A3 (2) based on the table above and discuss the following question in groups of four.
What is the relationship between realizing one’s potential at senior high school and achieving one’s life goal?
Different groups are invited to present their viewpoints in front of the class. Students and the teacher together provide feedback and comments. 把课堂的学习体验迁移到解决实际问题中,深化学生对主题的认识,并培养学生的语言运用能力。通过最后一个问题引导学生反思自我,有助于学生形成正确的价值观,塑造学生健全人格。 13’
Group Work
Class Work
Homework 1. Retell the speech based on the outline.
2. Write a short passage to describe your action plan, using several parallel structures.
3. Finish the workbook. 2’
Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Grammar and usage
Sentence elements and sentence structures
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. categorize the elements of the sentences and summarize general rules;
2. distinguish and choose the right sentence structures;
3. apply appropriate sentence patterns in new situations.
1. To understand sentence elements and structures;
2. To write sentences using different structures.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 The teacher asks students what challenges they will meet at new high school life and lets students understand the importance of setting goals when facing challenges. Students come up with their own ideas about the importance of setting goals and the teacher writes down several statements on the blackboard and analyzes the sentence structure of these sentences to make students get a general idea of the topic and the grammatical points. 由单元话题导入本课语法项目,活跃课堂气氛,在呈现目标语法知识之前提供引导性的语料。 5’
Individual Work
Class Work
Exploring the rules
Step 2 The teacher guides students through the short speech about the importance of setting goals in Part A. Students pay attention to the underlined sentences and fill in the table below.
S + V 主语+谓语
S + V + P 主语+系动词+表语
S + V + O 主语+谓语+宾语
S + V + O + O 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语
S + V + O + C 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语
Students discuss in groups of four about different sentence structures. The teacher presents relevant sentence examples to students, helping them understand sentences by analyzing the structures. 在真实语境中观察、分析、充分感知不同的句子结构,为归纳语法规则做好铺垫。教师通过更多例句来启发、诱导、点化学生,让学生体会语言的规律性。 5’
Individual Work
Class Work
Step 3 Students work out the rules by observing sentence structures and fill in the blanks on Page 6.
The subject and the verb are necessary parts of a sentence.
A transitive verb is always followed by an object.
Some verbs can have two objects. The indirect object usually refers to a person and the direct object a thing.
The object complement adds more information about the object.
The teacher can guide students to go through the grammar notes on Pages 96–97 to help them understand the rules thoroughly. 通过大量接触不同句式结构,小组合作探究,学生自主归纳出句子的构成要素,发展分析性思维能力,最终习得目标语法结构。 5’
Class Work
Applying the rules
Step 4 Students compare seven sentences in Part B1 on Page 7 and mark the different elements of each sentence with different symbols. The teacher can explain sentence elements in detail by showing examples and let students be familiar with different symbols for taking notes. 让学生在使用的过程中逐步建立起语法系统,体会语言的工具性。 5’
Individual Work
Step 5 Students read the short passage in Part B2 on Page 7 and then the teacher asks the following questions.
What sentence pattern does the author use when giving suggestions?
(The imperative sentence pattern.)
What sentence structures does the author use when giving explanations or supporting details?
Students match the underlined sentences with the correct structures and write the letters in the boxes.
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. g 5. e 6. a 7. f 有意义的操练活动能够吸引学生的注意力,同时引出学习难点,包括形式、意义和用法上的难点,着重培养学生的辨析能力。 5’
Individual Work
Step 6 The teacher invites students to make the sentence more complex and meaningful by adding different sentences elements.
We found the hall full.
We found the great hall full of students and teachers.
We found the great hall full of students and teachers
listening to an important report.
We found the great hall full of students and teachers
listening to an important report made by our principal about how to realize our potential. 设计巩固操练和实际运用的教学活动,使学生内化语法规则,强化句法意识。 5’
Group Work
Class Work
Step 7 Students work in groups to talk about their goals for the new term and share their plans on how to achieve goals. The teacher encourages students to learn the example below Part B3 and to write down their own ideas by using different sentence structures. Students present their passages in groups and correct errors among peers. 拓展单元话题的内涵,鼓励学生在后期输出阶段陈述个性化的观点与策略。自然流露情感,达成语法项目。 8’
Group Work
Step 8 Exercises
1. Underline different elements of each sentence.
2. Identify sentence structures.
3. Translate sentences into English. 根据学生的知识基础与学习需要,有针对性地进行课堂巩固。 5’
Group Work
Class Work
Homework 1. Choose one of the following three topics to write a short passage using different sentence structures.
My School Life/My Family/My Hometown
2. Finish the workbook. 2’
Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Integrated skills
Starting a new school club
By the end of the section, students will be able to:
1. describe the details of setting up a new school club;
2. analyze and summarize the features of a formal proposal letter.
1. To write a proposal for a new club;
2. To provide personal feedback and peer correction.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 The teacher introduces the lesson by asking students at random:
Do you like your new high school life? What do you usually do after class?
The teacher draws students’ attention to the activity of “starting a new school club” and explains the meaning of “school club”.
Students come up with their own plans of starting a school club. 导入话题,通过自由发言,激发学生学习兴趣,激活已有的相关知识和经验。让学生有话可说,有话能说。 5’
Individual Work
Class Work
Step 2 Students share their ideas in groups of four by asking the following questions:
1. Have you ever joined a club?
2. Do you want to join a school club?
3. What kinds of clubs have you heard of or known?
4. What kinds of clubs are you interested in?
After discussion, the teacher asks several students to report. 学生融入课堂后,参与感增强,既达到热身效果,又顺利切入主题,为实施后续活动打下基础。 5’
Group Work
Step 3 Students listen to Part A Maggie and Mr Zhou’s conversation for the first time and answer the following questions:
1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
2. What is the main idea of the conversation?
Students finish A1 on Page 8 by putting the steps of starting a new school club in the correct order. 学生有针对性地获取所需要的相关信息,通过回答问题,把握对话大意,形成整体理解。 10’
Individual Work
Class Work
Step 4 Students listen to the conversation again and finish A2 on Page 8. After listening, students check the answers in groups. 二次听录音,获取细节信息,形成清晰的文本框架。 10’
Class Work
Step 5 The teacher guides students to read the proposal written by Maggie on Page 9 and has students try to understand the structure of a proposal by asking:
How many parts does this proposal contain? What are these parts?
What sentence pattern is used most frequently in the proposal?
What are the writing features of a proposal letter? 阅读范例,引领学生从文本的内容、结构、语言三方面深入思考,培养学生的语篇分析能力,为写作环节做好充分准备。 8’
Class Work
Step 6 After reading, students engage in the discussion:
If you were Maggie’s classmate, would you join her Short Story Writing Club? Why?
Suppose you are given a chance, what kind of club are you going to start? 创设真实情境,旨在肯定学生的思辨精神。让学生将所学知识转换为实际语言运用能力。 5’
Individual Work
Homework 1. Plan your proposal.
2. Finish the workbook. 2’
Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Integrated skills 2
Starting a new school club
By the end of the section, students will be able to:
1. analyze and summarize the features of a formal proposal letter;
2. discuss and compose a formal proposal letter about a new school club.
1. To write a proposal for a new club;
2. To provide personal feedback and peer correction.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Students talk about starting a new school club in pairs and use the?ideas and expressions from Part C for reference. While talking, the teacher can show the sample dialogue to help students know how to express their ideas logically and reasonably.
The type of club
The aims of the club
What you plan to do at the club
The materials needed
How to find new members 提供要点以及表达句式使学生交流互动更有方向性与针对性。由输入转为输出,口语训练既能拓宽学生的思路,又能夯实教学内容。 13’
Group Work
Class Work
Step 2 Students learn how to plan their writing from three aspects: the text type; the structure and the language.
The teacher leads students to review some important information from Part A, B and C.
Students finish writing their proposal individually. 通过指导,学生能够使用本课所学知识,明白需要注意写作的体裁、结构和语言。 15’
Individual Work
Step 3 Students check their writings after they finish and exchange drafts with their partners for peer review.
The teacher requires students to check if there are any mistakes in terms of punctuation, spelling, grammar, choice of words, style and structure. (The teacher can use the sample as an example for correction.)
Students make comments on each other’s writing by giving praises, suggestions and corrections. 让学生评价自己的作文,引导其对自身习作进行批判性地审视,对写作过程中发现的问题进行探究和调控,以促进问题解决,学会学习。 15’
Individual Work
Group Work
Homework 1. Polish up your proposal.
2. Finish the workbook. 2’
Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Extended reading
School life in the UK
By the end of the section, students will be able to:
1. locate and describe some specific information related to the school life in the UK;
2. compare the similarities and differences between school life in the UK and in China;
3. verbalize their own ideal school by describing its facilities, courses, faculties and others and explain the reasons.
1. To read and understand the text;
2. To write about dream school.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Students talk about the biggest difference between the lives of junior high school and senior high school. 激发学习兴趣,激活已有的相关知识和经验。 5’
Class Work
Step 2 Have you ever had the chance to go on a tour abroad or take part in an exchange program?
Do you want to take part in an exchange program?
How much do you know about school life abroad?
Do you know of any differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students? Can you give some reasons for the differences? 细节问题能促使学生在阅读过程中进行反思,旨在为后续读写任务做铺垫。 5’
Group Work
Step 3 Which parts of school life in the UK do you think the author will talk about in the article? 根据标题预测文章内容。 10’
Individual Work Class Work
Talk about topics mentioned in the text.
Look at the mind map and find information from the passage: What is school life in the UK like?
Then think about what school life in China is like.
Have students discuss the meaning of the following sentence.
“Each teacher has their own classroom and the students move around for every lesson. (Lines 9–10)”
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this teaching system? 理清文章脉络,把握文章的基本信息,为培养学生的高阶思维能力做铺垫。
Step 4 Underline the sentences with the word “but” or “however” in the article and analyze the meaning of these sentences.
Make sentences with the word “but” or “however” to describe your new school life. Pay attention to the functions of cohesive devices. 了解语言特点,学会适当使用。 5’
Individual Work
Step 5 In recent years, a growing number of middle school students are seeking overseas study programs.
Should high school students study abroad? Suppose you were to be an exchange student, what challenges would you face? 培养学生的思辨能力与表达能力。 5’
Individual Work
Step 6 Suppose you are studying in the UK, which subjects will you like to take if you can choose? Why? Is it necessary for the students to learn another language? Why? 训练学生思维的深度与发散能力,拓展其思维空间。 3’
Group Work
Step 7 Nowadays, more and more young students are going abroad to study. What effects will the new school life have on them? 培养学生的批判性思维。 5’
Individual Work
Step 8 Discussion:
Suppose you have a chance to interview John Li. Apart from the things you have been told, what other information would you like to know about his life and study in the UK? 每个学生与课文作者(文本)产生互动,学生思维产生碰撞,拓宽思路。 3’
Pair Work
Step 9 Students think about the following questions:
What is your dream school like? Why? 经过引导,学生从感性决策转向为理性决策。 2’
Individual Work
Homework 1. Read the text again and try to retell it.
2. E-mail your friends about your new school life.
3. Finish the workbook. 2’
Book 1 Unit 1 Back to school
Making a booklet about your school
By the end of this class, students will be able to:
1. create a booklet about school life through cooperation and exploration;
2. present the outcome of group work;
3. evaluate and comment on their project.
1. To create and present a booklet;
2. To evaluate and comment on the booklet page.
步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Have students work in groups of four and collect different kinds of booklets as samples for discussion. 指导学生自主收集各种类型的英文小册子,激发自主学习兴趣。 3’
Group Work
Step 2 Have students review the words and expressions in this unit based on a mind-map with the theme of “school life”. 通过回顾本单元所学语言知识和文化知识,引导学生讨论“校园生活”所涉及的各类话题。 5’
Group Work
Step 3 Have students get a general idea of what a booklet should look like by showing several examples if possible. Have students observe these booklets and think about the following question:
What makes a good booklet?
(A good booklet has eye-catching and colourful pictures, concise and informative text, a well-organized design, and a neat layout.) 引导学生从感性到理性,初步认识小册子的构成要素,并能理解哪些因素会促成一本高质量的小册子。 5’
Group Work
Step 4 Have students discuss what topics should be included in a booklet about the school. They discuss and choose one topic to write about for the booklet and divide the tasks among group members. Let students research their chosen topic by interviewing teachers, visiting the school website, etc. Students collect the useful information and decide which information should be included in the booklet.
What topic will you choose to include in your booklet?
Why did you choose this topic?
How will you research your chosen topic?
How will you organize your ideas based on your topic? 通过相关话题探讨,激活学生已有知识和文化。 8’
Group Work
Step 5 Guide students to study more about the sample booklet in the textbook.
Which aspect of school life does this sample cover?
What information does this sample contain?
In your opinion, what is the sample’s feature?
What can you learn from the sample?
In which aspects could you make some improvements or additions? 引导学生以小组为单位,对文中的范例进行探究学习,表达自己的观点与见解。 7’
Group Work
Step 6 Have students put together all the information to make a part of the booklet and add related photos or illustrations if necessary. Then they proofread the draft to make sure there are no mistakes. When the booklet is finished, each group member should look at it carefully and give suggestions on how to improve it. 梳理、整合、归纳素材,并学会校对检查。小组内进行修正与润色。 5’
Group Work
Step 7 Have each group present their booklet’s page to the whole class by talking about their chosen topic in oral English. Have students display their pages among groups. At the end of each presentation, other groups ask questions about it or put forward suggestions. 学生小组合作初步完成小册子的设计与制作,并能够展示与互评。 5’
Group Work
Step 8 Evaluate the result of this project. Have the whole class vote on which booklet’s page is the best. 引导各小组对本组和他组的作品做简要评价,培养学生的鉴赏能力和评价分析能力。 5’
Group Work
Class Work
Homework 1. Polish the booklet.
2. Finish the workbook. 2’