典范英语(Good English)
小学英语典范英语(Good English)3b
小学英语典范英语(Good English)3b 12. The Real Floppy 课件(共22张PPT,含视频)
2025-02-06 10:50:10
小学英语典范英语(Good English)3b 12. The Real Floppy 课件(共22张PPT,含视频)
Lesson 19 A Walk in the Sun课件(共19张ppt)
1. Who Is It?
2. Six in a Bed
3. Fun at the Beach
4. Floppy Floppy
5. A Good Trick
6. The Pancake
7. Is It?
8. Get on
9. Floppy Did This
10. Get Dad
11. Up You Go
12. I See
13. At the Park
14. Fancy Dress
15. Good Old Mum
16. The Headache
17. The Pet Shop
18. Push!
19. Making Faces
20. Goal!
21. The Journey
22. Shopping
23. Who Did That?
24. What a Mess!
25. Hide and Seek
26. Reds and Blues
27. Big Feet
28. Look at Me
29. Go Away,Floppy
30. Kipper's Diary
31. What Dogs Like
32. Go Away, Cat
33. Go on,Mum!
34. Look After Me
35. Presents for Dad
36. Top Dog
37. The Ice Cream
38. Can You See Me?
39. Good Dog
40. What a DIN!
41. See Me Skip
42. The Mud Pie
1. Floppy's Bone
2. Hook a Duck
3. Chip Robot
4. The Sandcastle
5. The Box of Treasure
6. One Wheel
7. Funny Fish
8. The Snowman
9. Silly Races
10. Picnic Time
11. Dad's Birthday
12. Mum's New Hat
13. Hop! Hop! Pop!
14. Catkin the Kitten
15. In the Trolley
16. The Trampoline
17. The Enormous Crab
18. The Caterpilla
19. The Picture Book Man
20. In the Tent
21. The Bag in the Bin
22. Stuck!
23. The Big Red Bus
24. The Sock
25. What a Bad Dog!
26. The Dream
27. The Go-kart
28. A New Dog
29. The Toys’ Party
30. New Trainers
1. Monkey Tricks
2. A Sinking Feeling
3. Naughty Children
4. It's the Weather
5. Hey Presto!
6. Creepy-crawly!
7. The Little Dragon
8. The Lost Puppy
9. New Trees
10. The Band
11. Up and Down
12. What Is It?
13. The Big Egg
14. A Present for Mum
15. The Hole in the Sand
16. In a Bit
17. Poor Floppy
18. Put it Back
19. The Baby-sitter
20. Floppy's Bath
21. Kipper's Balloon
22. Kipper's Birthday
23. Spots!
24. The Water Fight
25. Biff's Aeroplane
26. The Chase
27. Floppy the Hero
28. Kipper's Laces
29. The Wobbly Tooth
30. The Foggy Day
1. Poor Old Rabbit!
2. Super Dad!
3. I Can Trick a Tiger
4. The Monster Hunt
5. Floppy and the Bone
6. Ouch!
7. A Cat in the Tree
8. The Egg Hunt
9. Nobody Wanted to play
10. The Rope Swing
11. On the Sand
12. By the Stream
13. The Duck Race
14. The Ice Rink
15. The Mud Bath
16. Pond Dipping
17. Sniff
18. The Steel Band
19. Adam Goes Shopping
20. Adam's Ca
21. Mosque School
22. Lucky the Goat
23. Yasmin and the Flood
24. Yasmin's Dress
25. Midge in Hospital
26. Roy and the Budgie
27. Pip at the Zoo
28. Joe and the Bike
29. Midge and the Eggs
30. Pip and the Little Monkey
1. Kipper the Clown
2. The Jumble Sale
3. At the Seaside
4. At the Pool
5. The Cold Day
6. The Snowman
7. Kipper's Idea
8. Strawberry Jam
9. The Barbecue
10. Book Week
11. Bull's-eye!
12. The Carnival
13. The Odd Egg
14. Fire!
15. The Gulls’Picnic
16. Red Noses
17. The Ball Pit
18. Out!
19. Gorilla on the Run!
20. Got a Job?
21. The New Gingerbread Man
22. A Big Bunch of Flowers
23. Catch It!
24. Hiccups
25. Floppy and the Puppets
26. Monkeys on the Car
27. Dragons!
28. The Enormous Picture
29. Gran and the Go-karts
30. Helicopter Rescue
1. House for Sale
2. The New House
3. Come In!
4. Nobody Got Wet
5. Poor Old Mum!
6. The Weather Vane
7. Wet Paint
8. Swap!
9. The Flying Elephant
10. The Old Tree Stump
11. Missing
12. The Real Floppy
13. The Raft Race
14. The Spaceship
15. Dragon Danger
16. King of the Castle
17. Bug Hunt
18. Mister Haggis
19.A Walk in the Sun
20.Green Sheets
21.Road Burner
22. The Den
23. Dad's Jacket
24. Stuck in the Mud
25. An Important Case
26. Look Smart
27. Tug of War
28. The Secret Room
29. The Play
30. The Storm
1. The Balloon
2. The Wedding
3. The Camcorde
4. The Dragon Dance
5. Everyone Got Wet
6. The Scarf
7. The Stars
8. Long Legs
9. Floppy and the Skateboard
10. Gran's New Glasses
11. The Birthday Candle
12. The Seal Pup
13. The Magic Key
14. Pirate Adventure
15. The Dragon Tree
16. Gran
17. Castle Adventure
18. Village in the Snow
19. The Great Race
20. A Monster Mistake
21. It's Not Fai
22. The Whatsit
23. Underground Adventure
24. Vanishing Cream
1. Camping Adventure
2. A New Classroom
3. Mum to the Rescue
4. The New Baby
5. Noah's Ark Adventure
6. Scarecrows
7. Sleeping Beauty
8. The Adventure Park
9. Kipper and the Trolls
10. Safari Adventure
11. Dad's Run
12. Drawing Adventure
13. Highland Games
14. The Orchid Thief
15. Rats!
16. A Pet Called Cucumber
17. Bush Fire!
18. Bessie's Flying Circus
19.Looking After Gran
20.Arctic Adventure
21.Hungry Floppy
22. Shrinking Powder
23. Husky Adventure
24. Trapped!
1. In the Garden
2. Kipper and the Giant
3. The Outing
4. Land of the Dinosaurs
5. The Treasure Chest
6. Robin Hood
7. The Hairy-Scary Monste
8. The Golden Touch
9. The Lost voice
10. The Palace Statues
11. The Secret of the Sands
12. Mountain Rescue
13. Rotten Apples
14. christmas Adventure
15. The Go-kart Race
16. A Fright in the Night
17. The Laughing Princess
18. The Shiny Key
19. Dad's Grand Plan
20. Mirror Island
21. Don't Be silly
1. Paris Adventure
2. The Stolen Crown Part l
3. The Stolen Crown Part 2
4. Olympic Adventure
5. Ship in Trouble
6. Homework!
7. Lost in the Jungle
8. Red Planet
9. The Broken Roof
10. The Lost Key
11. The Bully
12. The Hunt for Gold
13. The Jigsaw Puzzle
14. The Motorway
15. Roman Adventure
16. The willow Pattern Plot
17. The Joke Machine
18. Submarine Adventure
1. The Power Cut
2. Australian Adventure
3. The Riddle stone Part l
4. The Riddle Stone Part 2
5. A Sea Mystery
6. The Big Breakfast
7. The Kidnappers
8. Viking Adventure
9. The Rainbow Machine
10. The Flying Carpet
11. A Day in London
12. Victorian Adventure
13. Pocket Money
14. The Evil Genie
15. Save Floppy!
1.What Was It Like?
2. Flood!
3. Egyptian Adventure
4. Green Island
5. Storm Castle
6. Superdog
7. The Litter Queen
8. The Quest
9. Survival Adventure
10. The Blue Eye
11. Rescue!
12. Dutch Adventure
13. The Finest in the Land
14. The Flying Machine
15. Key Trouble