(共28张PPT)
The
children
were
building
a
sandcastle
at
the
.
Setting
beach
Floppy
was
dreaming
that
he
was
in
the
.
desert
(Who
Where
What)
Floppy
saw
a
snake
in
the
.
Setting
jungle
In
the
space
What
can
you
see
in
the
space?
alien
Zig
fireballs
spaceship
spaceship
landed.
An
alien
came
out.
Zig
Zog
“Wow!”
real
spaceship!
am
Zig.
And
this
is
my
dog,
Zog.
Let’s
go
into
space.
Would
Kipper
and
Floppy
like
to
go
into
space?
Oh
yes!
am
so
________.
Oh
no!
am
so
________.
excited
scared
The
spaceship
______
_____.
It
______
_____
into
space.
took
off
flew
up
frightened
Oh
no!
Fireballs!
Suddenly,
there
were
__________
all
around
them.
Help!
fireballs
Crash!
fireball
_______them.
The
spaceship
began
to
____
______.
hit
spin
round
Oh
my
head!
Oh
my
head!
Zig
and
Kipper
________
heads.
bumped
?
What
did
Floppy
see?
Floppy
saw
a
very
big
fireball.
It
was
going
to
hit
them!
What
could
they
do?
in
danger
We
are
in
danger!
don’t
know
what
to
do.
Help!
in
danger
know
what
to
do.
Floppy
can
fly
the
spaceship!
in
danger
Floppy
flew
the
spaceship
out
of
danger!
Phew!
Just
in
time!
out
of
danger
Well
done,
Space
Dog
Floppy.
You
saved
us!
big
fireball
was
going
to
hit
them.
Floppy
thought
he
could
fly
the
spaceship.
Floppy
flew
the
spaceship.
Floppy
saved
everyone.
in
danger
in
danger
out
of
danger
Retell
(pic10-pic13)
last
first
next
Floppy:…
Zog:…
Floppy:…
Narrator:…
Floppy:…
Zig:
dream
Would
it
really
happen?
Reading
Dramatically
Quick
Response
What
are
the
alien’s
and
his
dog’s
names?
Did
Floppy
want
to
go
into
space?
What
happened
when
they
were
in
the
space?
Who
saved
everyone?
What
did
Floppy
do?
Interview
Interview
What
did
Zig
say
when
the
big
fireball
was
going
to
hit
you?
Were
you
frightened
when
you
see
the
big
fireball?
What
did
you
say?
What
did
you
do?
Would
you
like
to
have
another
space
travel?
Do
you
think
there
will
be
trouble
in
the
space?
They
both…
Compare
One
is…,
one
is….
Contrast
We
can
see...in
the
jungle,....in
the
space.
Write
About
Spaceship
Homework
Listen
to
the
story
and
read
it
skilfully
and
dramatically.
Draw
a
picture
of
an
alien
and
a
spaceship
in
your
mind.
Write
a
new
story
of
your
space
adventure
in
no
less
than
sentences:
How
did
you
get
there?
Who
did
you
meet?
What
happened?