co
Sticks
/ke
a
den
6e+0
eave
the
don
went
back+o
Couldn
plal
BAck
to
yh
den
Cover
talk.
Who
whale
reading
-
l
uot
was
the
idea
Read
pic
2-41
为
make
a
den
x
o
wo
the
logs
for
pic
w
was
Weather
pic
g
P片1-Maa
p2-00
Part8-
Back
to
the
DNC6分m.-
wt
would
the
die冰
lrem
do
neo?
brain-
9)
vald
thay
make
anthon
don?
M以m
0|-
Wach
r
io‰ehe(共19张PPT)
Who?
What?
Where?
The
children
were
by
the
stream.
Wilf
had
an
idea.
Read
Picture
2-4
What
do
they
need
to
make
a
den?
All
“We
can
sit
on
them
inside
the
den,”
Biff
said.
What
are
the
logs
for?
What
could
they
do
in
the
den?
How
was
the
weather?
The
rain
________
into
the
den.
splashed
I’m
getting
wet!
We
are
all
_______
_____.
getting
wet
It’s
time
to
go.
Can
we
come
back
soon?
It
rained
all
week.
The
children
couldn’t
go
out
to
play.
They
wanted
the
rain
to
stop.
They
wanted
to
go
back
to
the
den.
What
did
they
find
in
the
den?
Oh,
no!
We
can’t
play
in
the
den!
The
rain
stopped.
The
children
went
back
to
the
den.
Shh!
Reading
Dramatically
Part
sticks
branches,
straw,
logs
began
to
rain
Make
a
den
Part
getting
wet
come
back
rained
all
week
wanted
to…
Leave
the
den
Part
Back
to
the
den
went
back
to
couldn’t
play
shh
Discussion
What
would
the
children
do
next?
Would
they
make
another
den?
Where?
Would
they
take
care
of
the
swan?
How?
Homework
Listen
to
the
story
and
read
it
skilfully
and
dramatically.
Write
a
new
ending
to
the
story
according
to
the
discussion.
Phonics
stick
stop
stream
straw
stuck
storm
start
stay
stray
strict
stride
strong
Thank
You!